In Learning

Ok, so it’s been awhile since I’ve posted and today, I’m excited, because I’ve learned something new. Learning always makes me happy!

Playing with technology is fascinating, and can at times be frustrating, and is also quite amazing. Today I learned two new applications. For some of you (and maybe even many of you), these aren’t new… they are to me. I’ve heard of one of them and learned about the other as a result of a change.

#1 – Google Docs – I’m working on the Board of TODN (Toronto Organization Development Network) and today we collaborated to update a document together, in real time, no version frustration, all quite fast and easy, as we did it using Google Docs. Recently, I met with a client group, many of whom were sharing frustrations re “version management” of documents, lamenting the lack of use of shared drives, and what I was reminded of today, was that while it may take a moment to get used to , the technology we have access to really can make our lives easier!

#2 – I’ve been on LinkedIn for several years, and one of the applications I really liked was the book list. I could keep track of what I was reading, share that list with my contacts, and see what others were reading and recommending. Alas, the list disappeared, so… I sent a note to the help line, and received a reply that yes, in fact, that application was no longer being supported. The good news… my book list was intact, and just waiting to be retrieved. So… I have done that, through and now that list is pinned to my blog. I also plan to include it on my website, shortly.

Things change! and I’m learning! It’s all good! We need to be willing to try, to fail, to get frustrated, to try again, to play, to get excited, to enjoy and to learn!

What have you learned lately? If it’s been awhile – try something new – it’s time!

Take care,